
baby accessories ITAT and ZARAThe fair price fashionable clothing gives the apparel industry the enl

    The competition caused the society to have expense reforming, the power of consumption and expense consciousness changes. The clothing also from bears disappears changes disappears quickly. In the common people clothing to the luxurious fashionable clothing's vicissitude, presented the multi-level expenses. The luxury goods take the high-end expense group as the core, the pursue luxurious fashionable clothing do not hesitate the high price purchase high quality product and the service. But initiates the common people clothing to seek for the low price as far as possible high-grade and fashion product. The clothing presented two levels of differentiations.

    Therefore, the clothing profession's fair price fashionable clothing was born. Take controls the entire journey to supply chain's pattern as head's ZARA and adopts own unique pattern take the fund outsourcing pattern as Representative's ITAT to annotate the fair price fashionable clothing's idea.

    Controls the entire journey to supply chain's ZARA

    Depends upon the accurate supply chain pattern to make a fair price, fast, the fashionable clothing empire, ZARA sits the fair price fashionable clothing's highest post.

    But fast imitation non-blind forecast

    Zara knew that the fashionable clothing depreciates every day 0.7%, one day sells ahead of time, can increase certain profit, therefore adopts few, many patterns, the fast brand management pattern, in front of this kind of pattern, Zara is not ever blind forecasts the fashion, but is the dependence wins more time to the fashion rapid reaction. Through each way absorption fashion consultation and the tidal current information, through the partition, the combination, the easy creation massive fashion's clothing design in a short time, maintain synchronizations with the fashion.

    Production vertical conformity and highly effective physical distribution

    Had the fast assurance fashion ability, but also needs to transform this kind of ability the production, sale. Zara establishes two kind of production mechanisms, 50% goods complete by their factory, are left over 50% goods to complete through the headquarters peripheral small processing factory, and exterior is coordinated through the interior, guaranteed that order form quantity changes to make the rapid reaction from time to time.

    The Zara huge physical distribution allocation center, each hour can choose and sort surpasses 60000 clothes, raises the efficiency at the same time to reduce the error ratio.

    Has the rhythm sale and the direct feedback information management

    Every week two time new style and each funds promote few in number several, increased the product curiosity. The artificial stockout enhanced product scarce. On the other hand, each terminal shopkeepers are authorized directly to the Zara headquarters report sale situation and under the single right. Saves layer upon layer reports the time at the same time, the headquarters personnel may achieves the prompt adjustment product according to the terminal sale and the feedback situation the design.

    ZARA is not the fashionable inventor, is actually the fast reactor, the ZARA supply chain has the astonishing speed, displays incisively the fashionable clothing profession's essence, who is quicker, who can become the winner.

    ITAT iron triangle which develops taking advantage of the resources release lever

    At the beginning of the century appeared family of the sea billows, ITAT and so on light property operation's clothing enterprise chose has come the light property method through the strengthened control ability, the management and the information system turned the outsourcing production and the sales function the outsourcing funding invested way.

    The ITAT business model is famous by the iron triangle, the iron triangle pattern appeared in the clothing producer has the massive goods in stock to need to find one to produce goods the way, simultaneously were partial the commercial real estate resources to be at idle condition .ITAT the clothing producer, the commercial real estate idle resources carries on the conformity, made goods cost reduction through the reduced middle link, realized the brand clothing fair price.

    ITAT passes the zero crossing approach expense,baby accessories, zero selling expense, the fast knot funds attraction clothing producer, ITAT enters and is stationed in the market, does not look like the tradition to rent the same prepaid rent, but divides into the sales volume and the market, according to deducts a percentage according to the same month commodity sales volume pays the location rent attraction real estate business. At the same time, ITAT implements zero loans strategy, not prepayment loans, but is similarly divides into the sales volume and the supplier.?

    Is obvious through the above analysis, although ZARA and ITAT initiate the fair price fashionable clothing, but adopts is actually two kind of completely different business models. In the nowadays dependence business model's competition, what can both give us to inspire?

    The rapid reaction will become the competition the important means

    The fashionable clothing by has borne disappears the transformation to disappear quickly, economist Lang Xianping makes the research on the clothing profession,preemie baby dolls, the fashionable clothing product depreciates every day about 07.%, sells ahead of time, can little depreciate, in other words, so long as the goods get rid early compared to competitor one day, can make a profit. Obviously the rapid reaction will become the competition the important means.

    ZARA Trinity form: The designer + marketing expert + purchases the expert

    The ZARA clothing from the design, the production, transports to the terminal sales network, only needs equally for 2-3 weeks, every week in two new styles, so high stock merchandise the frequency on the request extraordinary market reaction capacity.

    ZARA regards the product the earlier period to induct the time, so long as is advantageous to the product fast going on the market link performs to optimize.

    Said from the goods, regardless of from the collection of information, the product design, the product discusses, the product determined the payment production carries out the Trinity design form, the fashionable clothing information from dispersing in the world more than 400 designers, with disperses massively at each flash news release conference,baby girls shoes, the bar, the school information personnel.

    On the other hand establishment formidable IT system and physical distribution system. Each exclusive agency makes tracks the market tendency, and the market shift direct feedback to the Spanish Headquarters, helps the designer to carry on according to the collection information the analysis to mix immediately the design and the production.

    Although looking from designer's investment and collection of information's situation classification, ZARA is not the fashionable original man, is actually the tidal current fast reactor, ITAT hurts place: Lacks market rapid reaction mechanism .ZARA the quick reaction capability is precisely ITAT present hurts place, as a result of the ITAT iron triangle pattern's definition, provides in the source of goods aspect by the clothing producer, but cooperates the most clothing producer non-brand management experience, lacks to the market demand change assurance, creates the goods the design and the terminal effective sale produces comes apart.

