
baby boutique Travel of your father cup evil spirit beast

The foundation character, reads the user rules time, remembers somebody to do suddenly smiles the dear user who in the article writes, I am a your father, therefore the sigh society is unfair, raps the keyboard to name your father angrily! The Delaney hunter, from that moment, this account number was cursed .1 to 70, nobody formed a team nearly, nobody was willing to form a team with your father. When death, some plug-in units will jump out your father on the screen to die; when I complete strike finally, also will spring: XXX has died, kills him is a your father!

One time goes to under together the Internet bar with the good friend trumpet the transcription: Sees only friend's machine to bite calls not to stop, on the screen jumps out unceasingly: Your father life is critically ill, speed treatment. Fortunately,baby boutique, the hunter is a lonely occupation originally, only needs BB accompanying. Heart of for the expression confession,baby blanket, I take pet's name am: I am not your father.

But the open country lacked is killed has been fiercer, afterward only then discovered in the open country, an orangutan flushed to you, I was not your father. When surprise, on distant place Delaney uncle is going against your father yizhi dao 70 levels. Nearly all people are not willing to add my good friend, all trade unions are not willing to receive me, because nobody is willing to see on the screen to spring frequently, your father made something a matter of political line.

Your father quietly said to you: KLZ is also short of manpower?

You quietly said to your father: Roll!

But once enters by the group the troop, I am very then excited, everybody is good, is very happy and everybody forms a team together the transcription. Everybody is good, I am a your father, if you thought that this name is called is not familiar with, you may the sentiment cut are called me are the father. The German hunters are fortunately uncommon, in TS and UT calls Germany the hunter to pull strangely, has been clear, otherwise was awkward.

Afterward discovered that the trade union definitely has not been good, therefore took the large size and association president said:

Large size: Can add my friend to enter meets?

Association president: Good, calls anything

Large size: Your father

Association president: What?

Large size: Is called your father

Association president: Roll!

Hits the battlefield time frequently by collection fire. But, I do not stop struggle! Because, once I sneak attack successfully. A battlefield can sound the warning really: Your father has sneak attacked the lumbering area! Actually, I have been thinking, if I a master is good, the father has made the black magic Chinese cassia tree bread, snatches the human are certainly specially many. Father's flavor, family's warmth. Simultaneously can also practice the tailor. The black fibroin shirt makes by your father,kids costumes, but, I practiced an old-style fan device to attach the evil spirit specialty finally, flushed the skill time, I will then yell on the iron bridge: Must attach the evil spirit, looks for your father, your father helps you free to attach the evil spirit.

I attach the evil spirit skill halfway to spend finally, has practiced an engraved inscription newly, everybody knew that practices the engraved inscription flushes the skill time will be many many engraved inscriptions. I am disinclined to sell, on the station in the hard bank entrance, saw passed by the human, faced his mailbox to send his occupation the engraved inscription. Considers, one day, you turn on the mailbox, discovered suddenly your father issues your mail, a free present engraved inscription. Also negative forwards as an enclosure an ordinary letter: Refuel! Hot tears filling the eyes often go home to have a look to go home to have a look.

I was not clear, stares at the human who I kill to harbor one kind of any psychology frequently. After you do kill the complete human, does not turn fights the record? How cruel! Actually, many people saw my this account number is holding the manner which worships, even some people are willing to marry below station on own initiative in me - - name your mother, but how long did he practice has not given up.

