
baby blanket [captures] the devil comedian clown higher order to capture sizes up the situation the

Devil comedian clown - Sa branch Shaco

1. heroic skill

The back punctures -, when behind Sa Kecong attacks the enemy may cause 25% extra damage.

The very useful passive skill, may let you very relaxed make up the knife, when after you trigger the storm strikes, may create the quite considerable output.

And enters 4 seconds the cheat - Sa branch instantaneous transmission to the target sector to move under water the condition, if in moves under water in the condition to attack the enemy, the next attack will trigger the storm to strike the effect, and causes the extra damage, executes the law to be away from 500.

This is one may let other play family going crazy the skill, I once in was chased down and killed by five people time uses this skill to escape, this skill will also have many uses, behind will discuss.

Devil puppet box - Sa Ke lays aside a devil puppet box in the ground, 2 seconds later meets the stealth, when the enemy passes through the time puppet meets this present existence, threatens the enemy and attacks the enemy,baby blanket, the puppet has the striking power, may continue the stealth 90 second or the sustained attack 5 seconds, executes the law to be away from 400.

In my opinion this skill has been underestimated by everybody, behind this skill will discuss.

Two-sided poisonous edge - Sa Ke virulent dagger Tu Man has been violently poisonous,newborn baby clothes, his attack may lull the enemy, reduces their traveling speed and has the opportunity to reduce the goal in 2 seconds the hit, but may also throw the dagger to create half to the enemy the weapon striking power and attaches the extra injury, and causes the goal to be poisoned for 3 seconds.

The ghost - Sa branch creates periphery 1 own ghost attack the enemy,(Related Articleshomemade birthday gifts for kids Packs the time clothing's live color unrefined resin history), the ghost will have the main body 75% striking power also to withstand the injury, when ghost death, will cause the black magic damage to the periphery enemy, the ghost continues for 30 seconds.

In the group fights distinguishes the Sa Ke true body or is a ghost with difficulty frequently,kids clothing, only if on your body has the puppet, the lizard or is baron's buff, when after you had the appropriate equipment, this skill may let you facing 2 to 3 enemies not be at a disadvantage.

2. heroic superior inferiority


- very easy to be able to attain the first drop of blood
- may take very many kind of different routes
- may relaxed kill the high volume of blood the meat shield hero
- may escape easily from the dangerous situation
- very strong output capacity
- the storm wounds harms is very terrorist
- later period very much bears at the game hits


- will attract the firepower frequently by gank
- is bad in game earlier period's survivability

