
designer children's clothes Demon direct seeding words expressing feelings As predicted that emperor

Each water friend everybody is good, I am the demon, yesterday and in the fable three artillery as well as the heating power have brought the direct seeding which together for everybody of imposing appearance reaches, generally speaking also calculates successfully, possibly has schoolmate to be interested very much to the direct seeding,(Related Articlesbaby socks won t fall off Ice bound Throne the do), introduced yesterday's traveling schedule simply to everybody.

Yesterday afternoon was 2:40 train, left for the Wuxi speed from Shanghai is very quick, similar one hour arrived, afterward has waited for the half of the day in the Wuxi Train station, Arab League really only then appeared ......Before has thought that Arab League is really female! My wife also said that Arab League is really female, has been called him the Arab League real elder sister, as soon as added Arab League mails directly to really the thing to my wife, after finally meets,designer children's clothes, discovered that Arab League is really unexpectedly male =.= is greatly disappointed/p>

Hit Che Dao the mystical PLU Wuxi Headquarters,baby accessories, was located is similar in White House's construction in Wuxi one, altogether two studios, an office. Saw Alone, Friend in there, three artillery, master and so on ......After rest moment,girls clothes, started evening's direct seeding, is quite unexpectedly punctual, what most is not familiar with is treating the camera as well as the intense light, illuminates very uncomfortable =.= to listen to the two illustration spoken language, pondered that oneself said anything, in rear area the earphone must listen to the words which program director confessed that first time somewhat anxious, some are not familiar with, ha-ha. But entered the competition condition to be much better, the heating power was also very friendly on own initiative lets me cut OB.

Before first competition's chat, I discussed possibly first-level Roshan, the result really offers a sacrifice to such lineup, the achievement had predicted that emperor I felt the pear was very big ......After two competitions get down, the overall feeling is also good, the OB aspect also does not have too many errors, changed basically catches catches. The deficiency will be faces lens' time very unnatural =.= later to improve ~

Evening completely made already nearly 11 spots, afterward followed Friend Che Hui the Shanghai, FD also exchanged on the vehicle with us, tells me saying that a person illustration and many individual direct seeding illustration's difference, the latter must pay great attention to exchange. Indeed, usually is familiar with a person of illustration from beginning to end, the sudden 3 people with the Taiwan illustration, many friends reflected that said somewhat rushes to speak first, will improve in the later direct seeding, the coordination many, will pay great attention to exchange.

Returned to my university's bedroom to be already quick past 1:00 am, washed immediately rinses sleeps =.=, if everybody had any comment to yesterday's direct seeding, please the message raise, ha-ha. Under finally slightly discloses! Three artillery second illustration time in cuts the nail, afterward the midway sleeps on the sofa�pparents the very comfortable appearance/p>

